Unwind with Words: The Ultimate Relaxation Book Club Gift Guide

Having our first babies just a few years apart, two of my closest friends and I, residing in different states, Arizona and California, sought a way to stay connected. We all share a love for reading, particularly Young Adult (YA) books like Harry Potter, Mortal Instruments, Six of Crows, Heroes of Olympus, and The Lunar Chronicles. It just made sense to form a book club.

We pick a new book each month, and at the end of the month, we connect via FaceTime. Although our discussions about the book often last about five minutes, our conversations about our lives can stretch for hours, and it is something I look forward to every month. It’s not limited to book clubs; whether it’s a D&D group or regular library meetups with mom friends, celebrating those who show up for us is a special tradition.

Last Christmas, I put together a small gift for my book club friends. I bought fuzzy sandal slippers and face masks from Target. I also baked some homemade Christmas cookies. Placing these items in two large cellophane bags, I secured them with tulle ribbon. I wanted to give them relaxation tools to enjoy during their reading sessions, as reading serves as a stress-reliever for us all.

If you’re a part of a book club and want to give a relaxing book club gift to your friends, consider these relaxation-inspired ideas:

  1. Cozy Blanket: A soft, comfy blanket for snuggling up with a good book.
  2. Scented Candles: Scented candles to create a soothing atmosphere.
  3. Bath Products: Bath salts, bath bombs, or essential oils for a relaxing soak.
  4. Under-Eye Masks: Hydrating eye masks to wear while reading or lounging.
  5. Relaxation Playlist: A curated playlist of calming songs.
  6. Massage or Spa Gift Certificate: A voucher for a massage or spa treatment.
  7. Bookstore Gift Card: A gift card to a local or online bookstore for more reading material.
  8. Mindfulness Book: A mindfulness book for stress relief.
  9. Favorite Book: Include a card explaining why this is your favorite book. 
  10. Adult Coloring Book and Colored Pencils: A coloring book for unwinding.
  11. Journal and Pen: A journal for jotting down thoughts and bookish reflections.
  12. Scented Sachets: Add calming scents to any room in your home.
  13. Fuzzy Socks: Colorful and comfy socks for reading in comfort.

These items can be combined to create a delightful relaxation package for a book club gift. A gift like this offers a mix of comfort and tools for a tranquil and enjoyable reading experience. Celebrate your book club gatherings with these simple, but thoughtful tokens of appreciation!

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